She didn’t like me?

 What do you mean she didn’t like me? I’ve known her for  almost eight years. Do you know I can practically count the number people who don’t like me on my right hand? How could she not like me?” I was flabbergasted. Brad had just informed me that the main reason we haven’t seen too much of each other after his marriage was not just because of the miles that usually separated us, but the small matter of his wife – soon to be ex-wife – flat out just didn’t like me. He further explained that she thought we got along a little too well and didn’t include her in our little brotherhood. She felt like a third wheel more often then not and rather then talk to me about it she just lobbied Brad to keep me at a distance. This actually explains a lot.

Brad continued. “I never could bring myself to tell you, but it seems like a good time now that the divorce is going through. I was served with papers today.”“Well now I’m two fold disappointed. I’m disappointed in her, but more so in YOU. What the hell, I mean, we’re best friends. You could have told me what was going on or even stand up for me a little.” I haven’t been this mad with Brad in ages. 

When we were roommates back in college we had it out a few times, but it’s just part of being friends. I always assumed the attitude he developed a few months after his nuptial was the result of, well, being married. It never occurred to me it was his wife’s influence. She was always sweet to me.

Brad closed his eyes and shook his head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. She was my wife though. I should have told you more about the situation. I’m sorry.”“Bartender, two glasses of Oban please, neat.”Another hour was spent simultaneously nursing the glass of single malt scotch and a large bottle of sparkling water each. We were going to be on the ocean in the morning and neither of us wanted a hangover. 

By the time in his iphone was ten o’clock rolled around we climbed into his black Carrera and pushed the needle over 90 mph on the coastal highway.As the car smoothly parted the cool damp ocean breeze Brad turned to me and asked, “Where to my friend?”By now I had sunk into the soft leather seat while the music insinuated itself into my mind. “Just drive Thelma. Just drive.”Out of the corner of my eye I could see his smile. “You know Rye, if I could have my choice of doing anything in the world tomorrow morning… I’d go sailing with you.”"You don't say. Well, what a coincidence…


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