
 “AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!”This is the sound my roommate makes while she frantically runs around the apartment as  I chase her with a chunk of my big toe.

My stylish black Kenneth Cole dress shoes decided to give me a small blister on the tip of my toe today that, at first, really didn’t worry me too much. It wasn’t until I felt skin flapping at karate tonight that I realized I had ripped most of the good skin off the bottom of my little piggy too. 

This same skin was clipped off a few moments ago and is now being used to terrorize my skittish roommate. Will this boy ever grow up?Sometimes I wonder what keeps me coming back to karate class. It’s been said that if you don’t ask yourself that question during each class then you should look for a different instructor.


 My answer is I always to try to remember how I’m going to feel at the end of the workout. I think about the feeling that comes over me when I’m sitting in meditation side by side with the rest of the black belts. You can hear each student reign their breathing back under control – ever so slowly, in through the nose, out through the mouth. 

Their heartbeats are almost audible to my ears. The small, practically useless, fan in the corner of the room continues its rusty oscillation. My own heart beat resonates through my entire body forcing much needed oxygen rich blood to exhausted extremities. 

Oh yeah, this is why I do it.Tonight between the time I arrived home and the start of The Apprentice I was able to get in 20:28 min of running. Soooo, no skin on my big toe and I’ve ran a grand total of about 6 miles so far this week. I’m ready for the 10K, uh, not.

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